True-Self Recovery: the Journey.

The Return of Magnificent You!

“If we don’t emerge from our deep emotional wounding and compromised Sense of Self by our age, then when?” JTM

This transformational journey asks you to trust yourself and to take a deep dive into your whole being.

I created this work to respect and honor your many years of life as an Elder. To respect and honor your sensitivities and vulnerabilities, your failures and flaws, as well as your strengths and gifts. To help you find peace and completion. To honor your ability to heal, re-discover and really know yourself. Your True Self. Who you really are - in the most fulfilling, emotionally healthy, and satisfying of ways.

Although the result can be so self-affirming and life-changing, the journey is not for the faint of heart. It takes effort, dedication and time. It is both a reclamation and a rebirth. It requires your willingness to…

  1. Look at yourself deeply, honestly … Who are you right now? What kind of person are you? What parts of you and behaviors are out of balance with how you would prefer to be, and who you know you really are? When did you lose yourself? What did you lose? What happened?

  2. Commit to Yourself and to TSR (True-Self Recovery) and learn to work with yourself emotionally, energetically, humanly, mentally, spiritually, mindfully, physically.

  3. Understand you are not “just” healing your past. You are going back to the beginning to recover your genuine Self.

  4. Explore the elements of you that were lost, those elements are still wounded, the images and characters created as self-protection, even self-preservation.

  5. Release your beliefs - almost all of them. Begin to start anew. Air out your psyche, your mind, your intellect. Open and unclog your being. Let go of beliefs. Be your own creator.

  6. Search for your Inner Child - the young, innocent person you were before life set you adrift. Your original Self.

  7. Explore the wounds to you and wounds you caused.

  8. Take Ownership and Accountability of your past (and present) behavior and actions, both positive and negative, avoid denial or rationalizing.

  9. Understand why you behaved as you did.

  10. Let go of the Guilt, Shame, Hurt, Anger.

  11. Learn Self-forgiveness.

  12. Release the past. Release everything unnecessary in your mind, body and emotions.

  13. Feel your True Self gradually trusting you.

  14. Create your Mental, Bodily and Inner Expanse - Learn to maintain flow, continuity, balance, and consistency with all of the facets of your life.

  15. Learn the lessons and grow.

  16. Recognize the Return of your True Self and Begin the Integration with Who You Are Now as an Elder!

This is Down to Earth, Wholehearted Work!

One last thing, I offer this work because, in an exceedingly dark time, over a period of years, in my mid-60s, I took the journey myself. Unwillingly; I had broken down - all the way down. Like so many of us, I had lost my true self many years before, in childhood. Then, life piled up on top of me.

With no roadmap, lost and bumbling at first, until I realized this was not “just” healing. It was the rediscovery and resuscitation of the core of my being. It would be unlike anything I had ever experienced. Or tried to do before. It was complicated. Huge. Often debilitating.

In time, some serious breakthroughs, until I was sensing my way along. Eventually, I knew what aspect of the journey to approach next, until the anxiety, depression and overwhelm shifted to insight, self-forgiveness and resolution. It was the challenge of my life. At 67 years old, I finally uncovered and resuscitated my True Self. Better late than never. A return to True-Self, a remarkable odyssey to simply be … me. Peaceful, whole and happy. And I am here to tell the tale. With guidance and a journey partner, True-Self Recovery will still be challenging, and difficult at times, but I will help guide you through.