First, the Disclaimer: Please read and agree with the following statement in its entirety before contacting or beginning this work with Jason. Energy healing and advanced consciousness work are considered alternative, complementary approaches and do not replace the need for traditional psychiatric or medical care through your physician or licensed professional. You should not stop, add, or change any medication or traditional treatment, without the advice, consent and direction of your physician, psychiatrist or licensed professional. You are advised to seek the care of a licensed professional for any physical, mental or emotional concerns.
Jason Taylor Morgan is not licensed for his Alternative Medicine modalities. The sessions he offers are complementary to healing arts and services licensed or regulated by the state of California. He fully encourages you to always consider numerous professional mental and psychological services and systems. Such as therapy, psychiatry, Cognitive Behavior Therapy, and appropriate medication. As well as such progressive mental health systems as acupuncture, EMDR, and EFT. Often, it takes a carefully assembled team of experts, both conventional and alternative, to attend to one’s mental health and healing.
The choices you make and the actions you take are solely your responsibility. You agree to completely hold harmless and absolutely indemnify The Art of Self-Illumination and A Journey to True-Self Recovery, and Jason Taylor Morgan from any and all liabilities and expenses.
Pricing and Contact
I will get back to you within 48 hours, if not sooner. If you are comfortable doing so, please include your phone number in your message and the best time to reach you. I look forward to meeting you.
Each Session is its own creation and has a life of its own: spontaneous, instinctive, focused and original. There is no set time limit. They go for as long as necessary and will arrive at a natural point of departure.
EXPLORATORY HEALING: 3 Sessions: $350 ($115 per Session)
RESCUING TRUE SELF: 5 Sessions: $550 ($110 per Session)
LIVING YOUR TRUE SELF: 7 Sessions: $750 ($107 per Session)
SELF-ILLUMINATION: 11 Sessions: $1,150 ($104 per Session)
*Healing and evolving is a process, as is this work. You experience it in multisession programs whose individual Sessions, usually weekly, flow one to the next.
**Jason’s pricing is substantially decreased from his previous work, by about 30 - 35%. “Money is tighter for us as we advance in age... I would offer this work for free for the sheer joy of sharing myself with people, and helping them to heal and live lovely lives. But an income is good for all of us. I offer scholarships and discounts. I do what I can to make my work accessible.”
***The pricing is scaled. The more sessions, the greater the discount.
****We are not at all implying such deep inner work can be resolved in such relatively short periods of time. The experiences you have, the knowing you will gain, and the energetic understanding you will learn are yours to help manage and guide you. For the rest of your life.